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Your Family's Personal Doctor: Dr. Clobo

Easily Check Health at Home with Dr. Clobo's Smart Camera

With love for our children, we encourage and support each other, sharing the joys and challenges of parenting.

Are you experiencing these worries?

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Don't ignore these small signs

Millions of people worldwide miss early diagnosis, leading to more severe illnesses.

Small symptoms can grow rapidly.

We must not neglect our health.


Now, with Dr. Clobo, you can protect the health of your entire family!

For a healthy family, check your health status in just a few minutes right now.

Dr. Clobo Camera allows precise observation of oral, ENT, skin, and scalp areas with three different lenses, aiding in continuous monitoring of hard-to-see areas.

Oral Monitoring:

Cavities discovered: Orthodontic cost: $5000​
If only I had known earlier...

Dental issues are common and affect everyone. Ignoring them can lead to high costs and pain. With the Dr. Clobo Camera, you can easily check your dental condition anytime, anywhere.

Monitor dental pain, gum issues, orthodontics, cavities, bad breath causes, and teeth whitening status in real-time. Early detection can save costs and maintain healthy teeth.

If you click the image, you can see the actual recorded video.

Skin Monitoring:

Now I can have customized skincare!

Everyone has different skin concerns. With the Dr. Clobo Camera, you can conveniently understand your skin condition, allowing for optimized skincare tailored to your skin.


Skin diseases require long-term monitoring, so continuous observation and care are essential.

If you click the image, you can see the actual recorded video.

Scalp Monitoring:

Oh no, am I balding too?

Don’t ignore it, catch it early!

Hair is precious, and everyone is at risk of hair loss. Neglecting small changes can lead to bigger problems.
Use the Dr. Clobo Camera to check your scalp condition immediately.

Early detection is crucial for preventing hair loss.
Identify your scalp condition and regain healthy hair through proper scalp care.

If you click the image, you can see the actual recorded video.

If you click the image, you can see the actual recorded video.

Ear/Nose Monitoring:

Do you know how important it is to check for otitis media every time you catch a cold?

Colds are common, but complications like otitis media are often overlooked. Untreated, otitis media can lead to serious hearing loss.
It's important to check regularly during colds.

Proper management and lifestyle improvements can significantly reduce the occurrence of otitis media.

How to use the Dr.Clobo camera


​두려워하는 아이들을 위해 


Reducing the burden of

health management

Regular hospital visits are beneficial but often limited by time and cost. Dr. Clobo offers the convenience of home consultations through captured images.


This helps you determine if a hospital visit is necessary and what kind of treatment you might need in advance.

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About Dr.Clobo Camera 

A smart home clinic solution that allows easy health management at home

An innovative healthcare camera with 3 patents

A device with the same level of quality as medical equipment
used in hospitals and clinics

Includes three lenses to observe the oral cavity, ENT, and skin/scalp

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Last weekend, my son's tooth was hurting. Despite opening his mouth wide, I couldn't see the problem. Most dentists were closed since it was the weekend. Using the Dr. Clobo camera, I clearly viewed and enlarged the inside of his molar and gum area. I sent the photos and videos and received a response about the symptoms. I felt reassured after the detailed explanation and was able to get treatment on Monday. I am very thankful for being able to check his condition monthly by sending videos.

Mother of a 12-year-old son:

Community of Empathy and Healing

Dr. Clobo Community: A Reliable Partner for Parents

A warm space to share stories and find comfort. Through shared experiences, parents can heal and support each other.

Join Dr. Clobo in safeguarding your child’s health and ensuring a bright, healthy future.


Dr.Clobo Team

Focusing on the experiences of mothers with sick children, Dr. Clobo aims to alleviate their worries. 

The journey of raising a child, especially with chronic conditions, is challenging.
Dr. Clobo stands as a reliable support, committed to ensuring the health and happiness of your child.

Dr.Clobo Healthcare Project


We are conducting a health screening project for people who lack access to medical care.
In the future, we will continue to contribute to improving health and quality of life in more countries.
We plan to expand more projects.


Our team is not focusing only on selling healthcare products. We are committed to a better healthcare culture to become a healthier society. You can join us remotely if you want to participate in the current Indonesian Healthcare Village project.​​

Social Contribution to Healthcare

Philippines: Oral examination project

With Dr. Clobo Camera in the Philippines
We conducted an oral checkup volunteer project, which attracted more than 100 villagers each day, and in some cases, teeth were extracted on the spot.


Kenya: Health Checkup Project

We conducted a health screening project in cooperation with an NGO. We visited schools to check the health status of young students and provided an opportunity to educate them on the importance of health care.


Indonesia: Medical Volunteer Project

We conducted a project with Indonesian dentists where we visited small rural villages to check the residents' dental conditions using the Dr.Clobo camera and provided treatment to villagers who had difficulty visiting hospitals.


Indonesia: Visiting treatment with dental school students

We conducted a home visit volunteer project with dental school students. Education was provided regarding oral diseases, and dental school students had the opportunity to learn through the experience of actually meeting patients.


Clobo, Inc.

2803 Philadelphia Pike Suite B #593

Claymont, DE 19703

© 2024 by Clobo. 


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