Getting healthy life together
Indonesian Healthcare Village Project
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Getting healthy life together: Indonesian Healthcare Village Project 2022
Dr. Clobo is a team that is creating a leading healthcare culture that addresses medical blind spots and contributes to healthcare equality by focusing on disease prevention.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle has a huge impact on the motivation that comes from relationships.
We believe that individual health is connected to the family and society and that we must work together to create true health.

Indonesian Healthcare Village Project
We will use a certain amount of funding revenue to promote healthcare villages.
Our team is not just focusing on selling healthcare products. We are striving for a better healthcare culture so that we can become a healthier society. So, based on some of the profits from funding, it contributes to the construction of healthcare villages in Indonesia's medical blind spots.
On May 23 and June 22, dental students and dental health service project at Gadjah Mada University in the village of Yogyakarta (Yogyakarta: a city on the island of Java) in Indonesia were conducted.

Clobo, Inc.
2803 Philadelphia Pike Suite B #593
Claymont, DE 19703
Email : dr.clobocamera@gmail.com
Youtube: Dr.Clobo / instagram: @dr.clobocamera / facebook: Clobo